Why Businesses Must Choose Custom-Made Apps Over Cloned Ones?

What do you get from this article?

  • 1.Pros and Cons of Custom Developed and Ready-made Clone Apps
  • 2. Which one should you opt for your business, Custom Developed or Ready-made Clone App?

About Mobile App Industry

About Mobile App Industry

The mobile app industry is growing leaps and bounds and especially post the pandemic, a lot of smaller industries and businesses have recognized the importance of digital presence and hence have started taking the initiative towards having a mobile app not just as a pride digital presence, but also a highly business generating marketing tool. According to the research made by PR newswire the market size of the global mobile app industry is expected to grow to USD 653.91 billion at a CAGR of 21% and the APAC (Asia Pacific) region is still the highest contributor with 46% being India, China, and Japan as the key players.

What is a clone app?

What is a clone app?

A cloned app is the derivative of the existing app model in the market which is been used by various small scale business players to acquire a digital space. The main aim of using cloned apps is to avoid more spending of money and time on the development of a fresh app, whereas a cloned one already holds an existing model with functionalities and designs and it all needs few fine-tuning according to the existing business model that implements clone app into it.

What is a custom-made mobile app?

What is a custom-made mobile app

A custom-made or a customized mobile app is completely a contradict one when compared to cloned apps, as it holds a separate set of codes, designs and other tool implementation into the application building process by carrying out detailed research on the need of a business and also the target user base it is about to serve. In this blog, we will be addressing the key difference that educates any business player to avoid using a clone app and need to acquire the service of a custom mobile app service provider.

Why companies must avoid clone apps?

Why companies must avoid clone apps

1.Security issues

One of the notable and highly alarming setbacks with deploying a clone app infrastructure into your business is the security concerns. When it comes to business, security is the key factor that builds reliability for any client over a new service provider, and hence there are high chances that the trust would easily get deteriorated by using the infrastructure of a clone app. The clone app prototypes existing in the market are easily accessible to cybercriminals and hence they can get our data and steal our highly confidential information, this might even lead to the looting of money. Hence clone apps always hold a threat since their codes are highly vulnerable to hacks and malware functions.

2.No control over data storage

Data optimization is the key for everyone in handling their smartphones, and a professionally built mobile app must use only an optimized space in any given smartphone. The cloned apps, on the other hand, occupy vast memory space in your smartphone and drain up the performance that makes you either remove it from your device or switch it off and on several times to get back to normal working mode. Hence, it is not highly advisable to use cloned apps since they do not contribute in any productive way and pull back the performance of the smartphone in which it gets installed.

3.Lacks authenticity

There is a huge question mark on the authentication factor when you deploy a cloned app into your business, the chances are high that it makes you create a mandatory account with a username and password, and it then stores it and collects all the personal information like contact details, pictures, videos, and even documents present in that particular smartphone. The information is taken by cloned apps and then easily gets into the hands of cybercriminals leading to further complications; hence, it proves that there is no scope of authentication when you go for cloned apps.

4.No scope for customization

Even though the cloned apps are the derivatives of existing successful app models, still, there are very minimal to zero scopes of customization post the development for your business. The changes in features or functionalities post-deployment cannot be made in your mobile application if it is a cloned one. Therefore, it highly restricts the chance of enhancement in the features and leads to a great setback in your vision of building a lucrative mobile app.

5.Copyrights issues

There are high possible chances that your cloned mobile apps might get caught under the radar of copyright issues according to the guidelines created by the play store and AppStore. The Google Play Store and the Apple App store might reject your mobile app since it is the cloned version of an existing model, and this might lead you to lose all your valuable user base.

6.Scalability issues

By deploying a clone app model into your business, you cannot expect it to be scalable, and it delivers close to zero scalability to the users when it comes out as a finished model, and hence it is highly advised not to go for a clone app.

7.Poor quality

The mobile applications which are built on top of any existing cloned app models won’t deliver you the expected quality be it in terms of designs or functionalities, it might drag you to an extreme of giving highly complicated functionalities or providing only a minimal level of functions in the application, and hence the robustness becomes a big question mark.

8.Disappointing user experience

It is completely a no brainer that a mobile application with poor quality built over cloned app module delivers the worst user experience ever. The user experience can be attained to the peak only when we can able to deploy the required functionalities in it that would please them and make them stay forever as our customers, and this is not going to happen in the case of cloned mobile apps.

9.Unnecessary features

The cloned apps are literally the copied version of an existing mobile app model which has attained success in the market, imitating it will certainly backfire at any cost, and the cloned app version will come out with lots of unwanted features than the one which helps us to be an integral part of the business, and hence, it is always a burden to our usage.

10.Zero-value to business

Clone apps carry out a lot of disadvantages over merits, and it is highly advisable to avoid clone-based applications when it comes to the creation of a new mobile app for your organization, since the cloned apps are the replica of an existing model, they won’t deliver the required value to your business.

Why companies must choose custom-mobile apps?

Why companies must choose custom-mobile apps

1.Assured Security

When it comes to security aspects, it needs to be 100% bankable service, and only custom-mobile apps and the tech players who deliver them can provide the trust to the clients. When a client approaches a custom mobile app development company, they can completely monitor their operations and can demand any range of security infrastructures to be embedded into their mobile apps based on the confidential information it withholds.

2.Completely tailor-made

Custom-made mobile application service providers are bound to deliver the expected exclusivity in their service to their clients by building a completely tailored mobile app that carries out the expected functionalities and features that represents the company’s ideations and solutions that the targeted end-users are looking out for. Hence every step involved in building the mobile app includes the expected personnel touch by the tech partner.

3.Highly scalable

The scalability of the mobile app is one of the striking features that everyone looks out for when it gets developed, and the way the scalability got handled in a custom-made mobile app and a cloned one shows their sheer difference. When it comes to a custom-made mobile app the scalability gets increased with the increase in demand of the business which uses it and the required inclusion of features and functionalities can be brought in whenever demanded in the future.

4.Rich user experience

A highly enriched user-experience delivery will be the primary motto of any mobile app development, and it can only be accomplished to the fullest only with a custom mobile app development process. A reliable mobile app development partner will carry out a detailed study on your business and your client base, and then develop a customized mobile app which would highly engage the targeted user base. A clone app model at any given point won’t deliver this merit while developing a mobile app for your business.

5.Helps to build marketing channel

A well-built custom mobile app is not just a digital representation of your business but also a highly effective marketing tool that drives a repeated set of existing customers towards your business frequently. A simple push notification set up in your mobile app would do the job of intimating the offers and discounts for the users and also regarding the new arrivals, and hence, it is a perfect replacement for AdSense that requires dedicated efforts right from scratch.

6.Projects your uniqueness

Whether your business idea is a fresh one or you are following an existing idea, a custom-made mobile app would project your organization and concepts unique to the respective userbase to earn their trust and acquire them as a long-term client. A lot of groundwork and research is involved in creating a custom mobile app which tends to project a business unique amongst its competitors irrespective of the idea.

7.Enhances productivity and more profit

A custom-made mobile app is the perfect reflection of your business goals and hence it easily reaches out to the target audience with minimalistic efforts, it is built from the scratch and hence it involves the inputs from all the stakeholders who intend to deliver the exact need of the customers which in turn enhances the productivity of not just the app, but the business which renders it and paves the way to increased profit over time.

8.Allows Integrity

No matter how complicated is the existing tech infrastructure or a tool or even software is? a custom-made mobile app will get easily blended with your existing tech setup and carries out its functionalities seamlessly. The core differentiation of a custom mobile app from a cloned app is its flexible nature to get integrated into any IT setup without disturbing the existing operations.

9.Scope for data collection

It is possible to collect data about the customers who are using the mobile app whether it is developed in a customized way or based on a clone model, but the actual difference is the security of the data. Custom-mobile app development brings in high-end security when it comes to collecting and maintaining customer information which is the complete responsibility of the tech firm which delivers the app development service.

10.On-boards more insights

A custom-made mobile app not just ensures a secured application for your business but, also goes a step ahead and helps in deriving some highly useful information that can be converted into great insights which assist in making sound business decisions and also decisions regarding client acquisition and market expansion in future. The insights will give your ideas on the likes and dislikes of a specific set of customers, which in turn helps in delivering more personalized service.

Final Verdict

To summarize cloned mobile app modules might look cheap and readily available but, they might cause a lot of side effects to your business post-deployment. But a custom-made mobile app, on the other hand, is a completely tailor-made one for that particular business and serves the exact need by delivering the requirements of the user base. In a nutshell, a cloned app is like spicy cooked fast food that might taste great, and a custom-made mobile app is like a homemade organic food that prioritizes health, and hence it is up to the businesses to decide the right service provider.

Contact Spidergems, a leading website and mobile app development company, to debate your website or app ideas!

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