Custom WordPress development company for your growing needs

Custom WordPress development company for your ever-growing needs

Whether you are redesigning your existing website or establishing a new web presence, Content Management System is required to maintain and update your digital content. but, one of the most important decisions a business can make for its website is whether it should be built on custom CMS or open-source CMS. To determine the best option for your business, first, you must understand about each CMS and what you need from the CMS solution. Custom WordPress will be well suitable for all types of businesses. To make this possible, you need to look for a Custom WordPress development company that is well versed in designing and developing custom WordPress sites.

Custom WordPress development company

This article explains why you should opt for custom CMS when there are hundreds of open-source content management systems that can be easily available on the internet today. Let’s dig deeper.

What you get from this article?

  • 1.Advantages of Custom CMS Development
  • 2. Overview of open source and custom CMS

Overview of custom CMS and open source CMS

There are many differences between custom and open-source content management systems. Let’s look at its overview.

custom cms vs open source cms

What is open-source CMS?

Open-source CMS is a content management system maintained by the community of its developers, unlike owned by a company. With the help of this awesome content management system, you can create any content website like a news publishing site, blog site, e-commerce site, forum site, and many more.

open source cms

In open-source CMS such as WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla, the source code is available to everyone, and anyone can modify it and create their own functionality. That is, it allows you to make changes, such as publish, edit, manage, and delete content on your site without the need for much technical knowledge. These systems are frequently updated by the wider online community, where they can freely fix bugs in the software and add new features.

What is a custom CMS?

Custom CMS is a proprietary solution built exclusively for a single company. Custom CMS allows you to create a site that fits your business, your workflow, and your needs. That is your business has complete control over the functionality, interface, and updates of the site. With custom solutions, you can customize the system’s workflow, design, and usability according to your business requirements.

Custom CMS

Examples of proprietary content management systems or digital experience sites are Adobe Experience Manager, Kentico, Sitecore, and many more.

Advantages of Custom CMS Development

It is developed to suit the specific needs of your company

The most obvious advantage of custom CMS is that it is tailored to the exact needs of a brand. Readymade software may have some features that can help your brand. But, since it is meant to serve a wide variety of businesses it is unlikely to have all the functions you need to achieve maximum productivity. However, custom CMS development is only done with your business in mind, so it includes everything you need to succeed.

It optimizes Website Speed

Since open-source CMS like WordPress has to work for millions of websites worldwide, it is likely to reduce the loading speed of your site. Also, everyone knows that page loading speed can have a huge impact on both your user experience and SEO efforts. Fortunately, using custom CMS can help you avoid falling into that problem area.

website speed

Custom CMS is designed to do what you want exactly, so there are no extra bells and whistles to slow down your page. The code of the website will be lean enough to speed up your loading times as it will only cover the areas where your individual site should function and be well defined, thus increasing the speed of the site.

It is a long term investment

Another big difference between off-the-shelf and custom software is that there is no limit to how long your custom software solution can be maintained. You own the application and you can do anything you want with it. Not so in commercial, ready-made software.

On the other hand, when you use a custom CMS, you can first contact the software development company that created it for you and ask for a specific update or change, and you will receive it.

Custom CMS can be easily scaled

Since Custom CMS is built for specific businesses rather than broad businesses, it can be easily integrated with business and scale as the brand expands. off-the-shelf software cannot handle heavy loads, while custom software is created with all modifications in mind.

With custom CMS, brands can better anticipate their needs and interact with the custom WordPress development companies they work for. Since businesses continue to grow, custom CMS evolves as the company grows.

No need to worry about support

By committing to a custom CMS, you will get internal support from developers who understand your business needs. With custom software, you get a reliable technical support team involved in the development process of your application. They know your software well and can handle any issue that may arise along the way, so issues are usually resolved within a few hours.


It is very safe against external threats


Since WordPress is open-source, everyone can access its code. Even though It is excellent in terms of affordability, it almost never favorable when it comes to safety. On the other hand, custom-developed software is very secure and quite difficult for hackers to infiltrate because it is only used in your company. Due to its customization, you can even talk to your developer team about adding additional security measures.

Custom WordPress development company

You can design your website according to your preferences for styling and functionality through the help of a custom WordPress development company. Having a Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress makes it easier to manage all the content on your site after the completion of the site. In the future, you can expand your site with additional content and landing pages without changing the theme code.

Custom WordPress themes make your site look beautiful and function just the way you want it to.

Custom themes enrich sites with different functions, page layouts, widgets, and other visual enhancements.

No coding is required to update your site. You can add or remove content when you need it.

Custom WordPress development

Regardless of the size of the business you are in or your company, you can always count on us to be the best WordPress development company to successfully implement your needs.

Final thoughts

There are several factors to consider when deciding whether you need an open-source or proprietary CMS for your website. If you have specific requirements, then you may consider proprietary CMS. It will meet your needs. By using custom software, companies can make their ideas realistic and gain more advantages than their competitors.

Also, custom CMS is not recommended for a basic website, WordPress is generally a better solution for a basic website, and a custom CMS makes sense when you need custom features. Since each company has different requirements, you have to decide depending on that.

In short, custom CMS offers a variety of significant benefits, but keep in mind that choosing the right option for your business is more important at the end of the day.

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